
Names ans adress

1.Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

Yes, they are!!! When someone laugh or smile, I do so like the person. Laughing, smiles and happy are very important to comunicate with people!!

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Then, write the English translation.

☆怒る       →   angry
☆嬉しい     → happy
☆むかつく    →  disgusting
☆気持ち悪い  → agitation
☆悲しい     → sad
☆喜ぶ      → pleasant
☆楽しい     → happy
☆興奮する   → exitable
☆うきうき    → cheerful
☆困る      → anxicious

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

Maybe, there sre some feelings only Japan. For example, they are "うざい", "めんどくさい"...??

4 件のコメント:

  1. hello☆
    I think "めんどい" is "troublesome".
    But, people say "たいぎい" in Hiroshima.
    How dou you think "めんどい" and "たいぎい" are same meaning?

  2. Hello:-)
    I think so too!!

    I think it is very difficulut to trandlate new comes words and slang into English.

  3. Hello!

    As you say, I think うざい and 面倒くさい are difficult to translate, too.
    Japanese has some unclear feelings that can't translate in English.

  4. I think Japanese has various ways to express one feeling!
